Sunday, October 26, 2008

Palin Protest

I received an email from my mother a couple of weeks ago about a protest that took place in Anchorage, AK. The link sent me to a news article, In Anchorage, an Anti-Palin Protest. Karl Vick writes, “The midday protest outside a city library drew a crowd in the high hundreds -- perhaps surging past a thousand -- from the city's relatively liberal environs, who seemed very happy to see one another and be reminded that they are not alone,” (Vick). The protest stemmed out of frustration against Sarah Palin. One protesters sign read “Voted for her once, never again.” Several women in attendance described how they felt they were the only ones against Palin. The reality is, not every person in Alaska is a supporter of Palin. It is an unfair stereotype to assume that everyone from Alaska is a proud supporter.

Maia Nolan argued, “"My mom is from Alaska. She's a working mother. She's good looking. So she seems to be qualified to be vice president,” (Vick). This protest struck fire and redemption throughout Alaska. I give credit to the men and women who had the courage to speak their mind. It was enlightening to see that not all Alaska natives want Sarah Palin to be the next vice president. With all the hype and controversy regarding Palin, it was a strong statement to make.

Vick, Nolan. “In Anchorage, an Anti-Palin Protest.” Washington Post. 13 September 2008.

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